Techivation Releases Free De-esser Plugin T-De-Esser 2

Techivation Releases Free De-esser Plugin T-De-Esser 2 - AUDIO PLUGIN NEWS

Techivation has released 'T-De-Esser 2', a de-esser plugin with an intuitive and user-friendly design.

T-De-Esser 2 is the second version upgraded from Mk1, which was released by Techivation in 2021. It is designed to process high frequencies gently while maintaining a natural and musical sound, with significantly improved functionality and audio performance compared to the previous version, MK1.

This de-esser plugin can be used for various purposes such as managing sibilance in vocals and dialogue, controlling harsh tones caused by close miking, taming sharp sounds in guitar or piano recordings, softening sharp synthesizer sounds, and controlling high-frequency transients in overheads.

T-De-Esser 2 is designed with simplicity in mind. It's created to allow users to apply de-essing processing according to their needs through quick setup and easy usage.

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The basic usage method is to select one of the four frequency range modes - High, Hi-End, Low-Hi, Mid-Hi - and then set the sensitivity with the Processing knob. More precise quality adjustments can be made by adjusting Intensity and Sharpness, and a Mix knob is also available to blend Wet and Dry sources.

Techivation T-De-Esser 2 can be downloaded for free from the manufacturer's website.