Sonnox's popular plugin, Inflator, is on sale for 75% off at Plugin Boutique until June 5th.
The Inflator primarily functions as a saturator, but it not only enhances the texture of the sound, it also makes specific tracks stand out in the overall mix, making them 'more audible.'
Common methods to make vocals or guitars more audible in a mix include increasing the gain or using compressors. Similarly, using a saturator can emphasize a track effectively without making the sound awkward.

The Sonnox Oxford Inflator excels in this field. A well-known counterpart is Soundtoys' Decapitator. While the Decapitator produces much more aggressive and distorted saturation, the Inflator offers a more natural and smooth saturation.
Read More ▶ In-Depth Review of Soundtoys Decapitator (+ Saturation Tips)
The Inflator increases volume without damaging the dynamic range. When applied more intensively, it can create a warm feeling similar to tube saturation, giving the mix a cohesive effect.
The original price of the Inflator is $171.6, but it can be purchased at Plugin Boutique for $42.9, including VAT.

The Inflator is occasionally on sale for around $39 on various online plugin platforms. While Plugin Boutique includes VAT, slightly raising the price, they also offer a free plugin every month regardless of the purchase amount.
In May, they are giving away Ozone 11 Elements for free. The free plugin for June has not yet been announced.
For more detailed information on the Oxford Inflator, visit the Sonnox website or the Plugin Boutique product page.