Lindell Audio releases LiNTEC Vintage Program Equalizer

Lindell Audio proudly presents the LiNTEC Vintage Program Equalizer, a boutique recording equipment maker's take on a much-lauded studio classic. This EQ breaks tradition by offering a solid-state design over a tube-driven one, delivering modern sounds while retaining a vintage workflow. With its Scandinavian heritage reflected in its design, the LiNTEC EQ brings the classic Pultec-style workflow to both smaller and larger recording studios.

Lindell Audio releases LiNTEC Vintage Program Equalizer - AUDIO PLUGIN NEWS

Vintage Program Equalizer

The LiNTEC Vintage Program Equalizer is a meticulously crafted EQ that brings air and space to vocals and instruments, enhances the low-end of drums, and adds warmth and weight to any track. Its lean, old-school design features shared low and high-frequency controls with selectable frequencies and bandwidths, allowing precise tone-sculpting without muddying the midrange.

Solid-State Design

Choosing a solid-state design over tubes, Lindell Audio ensures a faster transient response, lower noise, better stereo matching, and longer lifespan. The LiNTEC EQ features Lindell Audio's own gain structure and utilizes the proven OPA-171 op-amp, delivering a smooth, creamy, and punchy character.

Lindell Audio releases LiNTEC Vintage Program Equalizer - AUDIO PLUGIN NEWS

Pultec Low-End Trick

The LiNTEC EQ is capable of the famous Pultec low-end trick, allowing users to simultaneously boost and attenuate low frequencies for a satisfying thump without muddying the midrange. This feature has been used by engineers and producers for decades to fatten bass lines and kick drums.

Versatile Applications

Aside from sculpting tracks, the LiNTEC Vintage Program Equalizer adds warmth and harmonic content to program material, even with its EQ set flat. Its versatile design and superior sound quality make it a valuable addition to any studio setup.

Experience Classic Pultec-Style Workflow

With the LiNTEC Vintage Program Equalizer, Lindell Audio brings the classic Pultec-style workflow to modern studios, offering unparalleled sonic flexibility and vintage charm at a fraction of the cost of other classic hardware EQs. Transport yourself back to the golden age of recording with Lindell Audio's LiNTEC EQ.