Kiive Audio's FilkChannel MK2 includes new preamp, EQ and compressor modules

Kiive Audio presents a new version of FilkChannel MK2 with new preamp, EQ and compressor modules.

Kiive Audio's FilkChannel MK2 includes new preamp, EQ and compressor modules - AUDIO PLUGIN NEWS

"FilkChannel might be the best guitar eq of all time! That eq is so bulky and meaty!"

JESSE RAY ERNSTER (Grammy Award Winning)

The Filkchannel Strip is an analog modeled plugin & is based on some of the best Danner Cassette Modules from the 70's.

The Filkchannel Strip MK2 offers a wide variety of tonal options with it's 7 modules.

Kiive Audio's FilkChannel MK2 includes new preamp, EQ and compressor modules - AUDIO PLUGIN NEWS

From light analog warmth on vocals, acoustic guitar & mixbus, to aggressive and gritty tones for in your face drums, bass, and heavy guitars, Filkchannel is your one-stop-shop channel strip!

If you own the original version As always, this is a free update to original owners.

What's New in MK2?

  • 4 New Modules (two compressors, two preamps, 3 EQs Total)
  • Drag and Drop Signal Chain
  • In and Out meters
  • New GUI
  • Multiple Sat Types Per Preamp
  • New Menu and Top Bar
  • Improved Modeling on Original modules
Kiive Audio's FilkChannel MK2 includes new preamp, EQ and compressor modules - AUDIO PLUGIN NEWS

Below is a description of the preamp, EQ, and compressor modules included in FilkChannel.


Pre 1

PRE 1 allows you to take your sounds from either softer/warmer analog tones (set to the left) or you can drive your sounds with aggressive harmonics and distortion (set to the right). In addition, this module has an added trim knob to attenuate the added gain from the input knob.

Pre 2 (New)

Pre 2 captures the essence of renowned German radio engineering. With 2 saturation modes, it's perfect for adding vintage character to your audio with ease.



EQ I gives you 3 bands of parametric EQ for complete sonic flexibility. This section also includes a HP and LP filter both ranging from 20Hz to 20kHz. As well as shelf buttons for the high and low frequency bands.

EQ II (New)

EQ II gives you wider tonal flexibility with it's inductor based midrange, input/output transformers, as well as extremely rare components that make for a super exciting, but controlled equalizer unit.

EQ III (New)

EQ III is based on an ultra-rare German Broadcast Equalizer. This EQ features a variable mid-band frequency selection, and fixed low and high band positions.



The first compressor allows you to add punch and attack to your tracks with our fixed attack and release opto-style compressor.

Use the in and out knobs to adjust the amount of compression and set the ratio using our variable-ratio knob. This section also includes a dry/wet mix knob to dial back the amount of compression being applied.


COMP II features a VCA style compression designed in Germany. It includes Compression and Limiter options that can be independently controlled from each other, making it to be a workhorse for any genre/instrument you're mixing.

Detailed information about Filkchannel MK2 can be found on the Kiive Audio website.