Vaporizer2 synthesizer by VAST Dynamics is now available for free

Vaporizer2, a synthesizer developed by VAST Dynamics, is now available for free.


Vaporizer2 is a hybrid wavetable additive / subtractive VST / AU / AAX synthesizer / sampler workstation.

The heart of this plugin is the alias-free versatile high-performance wavetable sound engine with low system CPU resource usage.

Vaporizer2 comes with a groundbreaking wavetable editor with a vast number of editing possibilities including frequency shift, smooth, clean, bend and bloat for single-cycles, parts of single-cycles or even whole wavetables. Featuring an easy-to use wavetable draw mode with smooth Bezier curves and snap to grid function.

Vaporizer2 synthesizer by VAST Dynamics is now available for free - AUDIO PLUGIN NEWS

Available formats: VST2 / VST3 / AU / AAX plugins and a standalone version for both macOS and Windows.

  • Vaporizer2 was developed by VAST Dynamics GbR between 2017 and 2023 and is now free software under GPL3 license.
  • Vaporizer2 is based on the JUCE framework under GPL3 license.
  • Vaporizer2 ueses muFFT under GPL2 license.
  • You need a (free) developer license from Steinberg to use the VST2 SDK (to build a .vst instead of .vst3). In that case put the SDK in the VST_SDK folder.
  • You need a (free) ASIO SDK 2.3 installation from Steinberg. Place it in the asiosdk folder.
  • You need a (free) developer license from Avid Technology to use the AAX SDK (to build an AAX plugin for ProTools). In that case put the SDK in the AAX_SDK folder. The compiled AAXLibrary_x64.lib is expected here C:\Vaporizer2\AAX_SDK\AAX_SDK_2p3p2\AAX_SDK_2p3p2\Libs\Release\AAXLibrary_x64.lib. You can change the folder in the global path settings of the Projucer.
  • Code signing is required to build an AAX or an AU on MacOS. The process is not described here.
  • To the best of our knowledge the true type fonts in VASTvaporizer/Resources/Fonts/ are freeware and can be distributed.


  1. Windows
    The project expects to find the repository structure in c:\Vaporizer2
    Use mklink /h /J "C:\Vaporizer2" [lokal repository path] to symlink if needed.
    Run Projucer.exe as admininistrator.
  2. macOS
    Build Projucer from JUCE/extras/Projucer/Builds/MacOSX/Projucer.xcodeproj
    Run Projucer
    Set Global Paths from Menu Projucer>Global Paths..
    Set path to JUCE, JUCE modules, VST SDK, AAX SDK
Vaporizer2 synthesizer by VAST Dynamics is now available for free - AUDIO PLUGIN NEWS

Download installers

You can download installers for Windows and macOS with the built and packaged plug-ins here.