Harp, Marimba and Mandolin Ensembles Combined in Single Package

Spitfire Audio has released Spitfire Swarms, a unified Kontakt Player library that combines their previously separate Harp Swarm, Marimba Swarm, and Mandolin Swarm collections. This new release makes these unique textural instruments accessible without requiring the full version of Kontakt.
The library features nine harps, nine marimbas, and 18 mandolins, charangos and ukuleles recorded at AIR Studios Lyndhurst Hall. Drawing inspiration from pointillism, these instruments create textures where discrete notes blend into continuous tonal colors.
Recorded by Jake Jackson with four microphone positions (close, tree, ambient, and outrigger), Spitfire Swarms offers comprehensive articulations including tremolos, glissandi, hits, plucks, and rolls. The redesigned interface provides intuitive control over dynamics and speeds.
Spitfire Swarms is available for $159.00 ($127.00) and requires Kontakt Player 7.5.2 or higher. The 32 GB library supports Mac OS 11+ and Windows 10/11 systems.
More information about Spitfire Swarms is available on the Spitfire Audio website.