Sonible Releases sonible pure:unmask, Utilizing AI to Prevent Masking Effects

AI로 마스킹 효과 방지하는 sonible pure:unmask 출시

Sonible has released a plugin called 'pure:unmask,' which utilizes AI technology to prevent masking effects in mixes.

The latest addition to Sonible's 'pure:' series, pure:unmask, is designed to enhance the clarity of audio.

Pure:unmask uses AI to clean up and prevent audio interference between tracks in the frequency spectrum of a mix.

After routing the necessary input to a track and selecting the appropriate profile, pure:unmask creates space for other tracks using a side-chain method. AI sets appropriate attack and release times based on frequency and rhythmic context for high-quality results.

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Moreover, users can adjust the intensity of operation from 0 to 100 in a user-friendly manner. It's also possible to limit unmasking operations to specific frequency ranges using the Range function.

Pure:unmask is available for both Mac and Windows, supporting Apple Silicon. It's provided in VST, VST3, AU, and AAX formats, supporting both device-based activation and iLok authentication.

The regular price of pure:unmask is 49 euros, but it's currently being sold at a launch discount of 29 euros. A free trial is available for 30 days.

For more details, visit the sonible website.